Health Coaching

What is

Health Coaching

Health Coaching usually takes a holistic approach and always considers the physical, emotional and mental aspects of a personality. Once the coachee has identified the area in which he or she wants to make changes, the strategy is formed together with the coach to achieve the goals. A Health Coach does not make medical examinations, but uses a large network of physicians, welfare practical men and Fitnessstrainern. If desired, the appropriate advice and guidance is provided when visiting the medical network.

Target group

Business owners or start-ups, artists and athletes nationwide, whether in Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin or Munich, or throughout the world with the right strategy and personal self-awareness and the identified personal goals the client wants to achieve in his business, the further development of a company can be achieved.

In which areas does
Health Coaching apply?

In my strategy, Health Coaching first deals with an intact body. Only when the body is healthy, the emotional as well as the mental level can be considered. In the next step, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, a picture of the coach is created, which illuminates the constitution of the person physically, mentally and emotionally. In addition, habits related to sleep, food, physical imbalances friendships and family also play a role. The emotional level as well as the mental level find their home in the profile. Once the personality profile is created, a strategy is created with desired goals. It concerns with the view by the Health Coach a hollistic view on the person, they are no physicians, however, make use of a network of it.

In which areas does the

Health Coach work?


creation of a hollistic analysis of body, emotions and mental life based on TCM


creation of a strategy on the 3 levels with the corresponding coaching goals


goal should be physical vitality, which is usually accompanied by proper nutrition, lifestyle.


if more vitality is achieved, the "more" energy can be put into overcoming the emotional patterns


once the emotional patterns, which often accompany physical patterns, are recognized and worked on, one is usually much fitter and more vital.


this then leads to the discovery of mental imbalances, which often show themselves in recurring patterns. These too, if the desire is there, can be overcome and worked on and replaced with sustainable patterns.