
NINA GURK offers classical consulting services for companies

Marketing and Sales





What distinguishes NINA GURK

rom other companies in this segment?

By implementing the sustainable soft factors such as:

Corporate culture

Interaction between departments

information flow

consulting gets a new dimension. My experience of more than 25 years of self-employment in consulting with more than 14,000 projects is reflected in my know-how. For example, company acquisitions can be brought into an existing organization within a very short time and the CI of the corporate culture can be aligned.

The market in Germany

Approx. 3.629.666 companies are nourishing Germany with their business, approx. 70.000 start-ups. Corporate content should be professionally mastered, which is the case only in 2% of the companies. The consequence is a non realized profit of up to 200.000€.

Who serves the market

in Germany

Generally exclusively classic business consultancies are reaching with their strategies only 9% satisfaction of the market volume of approx. 15.7 billion Euro. The essential factor of success are the employees and the associated corporate culture and this is where the soft facts come into play and the results of strategic advisory show up.

The essential factor of success are the employees and the associated corporate culture and this is where the soft facts come into play and the results of strategic advisory show up.

Reasons for the market development

Beside technical aspects of the management it is the crucial holistic factor of the leadership which does not play a role many reasons lead to this difficult situation of the german consultant market, for ex.: no cooperation of the departments, no solution for the inter-personal problems.


.... in the last 20 years the number of companies that manage their business professionally, i.e. the business factor as well as the soft factor, has not increased.


No sustainable strategy in terms of linking the hard & as well as soft facts and this is exactly where my consulting comes in.

Target group

Companies throughout Germany or start-ups nationwide, whether in Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart or Munich, with the resounding strategy companies are analyzed, a strategy is developed and the objective of further development is agreed with the customer and defined.

Goals of consulting

Professional assessment of the company and classification on which level the company is in terms of business and soft factors.

Benefits of consulting

Whether it is a start-up, a company with a long family tradition, change and adaptation to the current development is one of the biggest challenges of any company. One of the key factors is the human interaction between departments as well as the flow of information. This needs to be uncovered and strategically brought into a flow.


Effective leadership is essential for any business. The acquisition of these skills are taught in the trainings. The use of these in the right keyboard are then the art of the owner, entrepreneur, leader or top athlete, supported by coaching. Only then is the leadership style also effective, significantly through clear decisions.

Increase in turnover

Learning an effective leadership style leads to clear, often faster and successful decisions in business, which then inevitably contribute to a successful management. Learning the Key Factors, such as costs, market environment, consumer and economic changes.

To be successful

Leaders must always be prepared for the unexpected and always align themselves with the latest developments in the markets and the economy at all times. These skills are the most valuable and can be applied to business challenges as well as private ones.

Phases of


Phase I

At the beginning there is a detailed conversation and getting to know the customer, his ideas and the company. Based on this, the strategy is developed. The customer then decides for himself which aspects he would like to include and change. As a rule, the implementation extends to further personal meetings, which take place once a week over a period of 4-6 weeks.

Phase II

After the implementation of Phase I, further consulting sessions follow, which take place twice a month online or in person and can extend over a year, always based on the strategy and objectives of the client.

Phase III

Transition to business coaching. Here, together with the client, it is then discussed whether the leaders should be promoted as the team in the development.