Life Coaching

Procedure of

Life Coaching

The most important thing in advance: The so-called chemistry between the coach and you should be right. The results depend strongly on the level of trust between coach and coachee. Once this has been defined, a detailed discussion is held to find out what the client's goals are. Usually the procedure is as follows:

Target group

Companies throughout Germany or start-ups nationwide, whether in Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart or Munich, with the resounding strategy companies are analyzed, a strategy is developed and the objective of further development is agreed with the customer and defined.

Identification of one's beliefs

In einem ausführlichen Gespräch werden die sogenannten begrenzenden Glaubenssätze „ausfindig“ gemacht, welche in der Regel Erfolge und Weiterentwicklung limitieren. Erst wenn diese klar sind, können Ziele in Bezug auf die Kariere, die Beziehung oder die Gesundheit ins Auge gefasst werden.

Development of new patterns

Here the client works with the coach on practical examples from life of how these beliefs are "recoded" into new patterns. These new patterns become habitual

Establishing new beliefs

The most important thing then is that these new habits really find application and become part of the personality. Only then can new goals be tackled and realized. And this is where the life coach's work moves to the next stage.

How long do I have to take

to achieve the goals?

Of course, this depends very much on the personality of the client. In general, however, coaching extends over at least a year, because mental manifestations are of course not remedied with one training session.